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Cassandra Lost in Books

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I love to read :) I am not a writer; I tell you my opinion.I think all books have a wonderful story to share&you should enjoy the journey :) Arkansas · closkot.blogspot.com

Currently reading

The Fox’s Mate
Elaina M. Roberts
Cat's Cradle
Bianca D'Arc
Bear King's Curves: A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance
A.T. Mitchell
Fated Mates: The Alpha Shifter Boxed Set
Eve Langlais, Georgette St. Claire, Alexis Dare, A.T. Mitchell, Lynn Red, Skye Eagleday, Liliana Rhodes, Michelle Fox, A.E. Grace, Adriana Hunter
Finding Love's Wings
Zoey Derrick
D.B. Reynolds
Jaguar Fever
Terry Spear

Review - City of Wolves by Avery Burch (Shifter #1)

City of Wolves (Shifter Book 1) - Avery Burch

My Thoughts - 4 out of 5 Unicorns - I really liked it!!!

***Received a copy of the ebook for an honest review


The cover grabs my attention with the wolf and its stunning blue eyes :)


This is Avery’s first book in the Shifter series.  And I really liked it!!  It is a unique world full of complexities that I didn’t see coming.  I really liked both Lyla and Zac.  I did find a few parts slow, but this is normal when building a new world especially one as complex as this one is.  Of course, I wanted more and didn’t want it to end where it did because I need to know what happens next.  I see several directions the series could go, but I’m not sure whether it will stick with Lyla and Zac or if their friends will be the stars of the next book.  I don’t want to give anything away, but this world gives you prejudice and controlling government that leaves you rooting for those bucking the system.  I hope they get their happy ending!!!  I can’t wait to see what Avery cooks up next!!


I recommend this book to my wolf lovin’ friends who want a shifter book that is unlike others where you are pulled in several directions and wanting to slap those you deem the bad guys!!!