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I love to read :) I am not a writer; I tell you my opinion.I think all books have a wonderful story to share&you should enjoy the journey :) Arkansas · closkot.blogspot.com
My Thoughts - 5 out of 5 Unicorns - I loved it!!!
***Received the ebook for an honest review
The cover is fits wonderfully with the rest of the series and calls to me :)
This is the 7th book in the series, and it is like the rest of the series for adults only due to the steamy content. As always Elsa Jade does a fantastic job pulling me into the story where putting it down is not an option :)
New friends in Angels Rest!!! This is Diesel and Willow’s story. Things happen that snuck up on me because I was thinking in a completely different direction. I really hope this series continues because I just love this world and conflicts and battles with the treacherous Kingdom Guard. Elsa has a way with words! I would love to visit Angels Rest and visit the Mesa.
I highly recommend this series to all shifter lovers because you will find something to love :)