My Thoughts - 4 out of 5 unicorns - I really liked it!
**Gifted to me as part of a blog tour by Girls Heart Books
Okay I’m torn with this book. It started at a 3 because I could easily put the book down, and it was like it was the first book in a series because now that Aurora was in a new world, we all have to learn about this new world with her. It seems as she went down the rabbit hole so to speak into this new world that she left all her confidence in the other realm. This annoyed me because I wanted her to be strong heroine, but it is okay because Fenn and Zane took up her slack, and I love them all the more for it. As the action got better, I really liked it, and it moved to a 4. At the end, I loved all the battles and action making it 5 worthy. So you can see my dilemma with trying to put a number on it. I decided 4 because it was the average of the enjoyment. I so wanted this book to be better than the last one, but I understand why it was like the 1st book in the series even though it is the 2nd. There is a cliffhanger, but stop your whining, it is the logical place to stop. This book did have so much going on with people dying, traitors, dark magic, dragons, harpies, sirens, light magic, Fates, battles, owl people, and so much more. Aurora did redeem herself with acts of courage and getting more confidence. Some things I could totally see where it was going, and others, I had no clue and was surprised. I’m betting that book 3 will be epic and I can’t wait to read it to see what happens next.
I think if you like battles, magic, dragons, and that everything does not turn up roses, you will enjoy reading this story and if you read the first book and enjoyed it, you should read what happens. You will be surprised….