My Thoughts - 5 out of 5 Unicorns - I loved it!!!
***Received a copy of the ebook for an honest review
The cover looks sweet and beautiful :) I like it though the wolf is looking very scrawny :)
I really loved this novella. Jane’s stories are awesome, but this has been the best I’ve read yet. It had lots of action and drama.
Poor Sadie has self-esteem issues and is in love with Noah who keeps doing things that cause her to think less and less of herself. Noah is actually a nice guy who is just an idiot, but I’m not going to tell you more than that. You just have to read it :)
I love Jane’s work. Her writing is easy to love :) I have no trouble being pulled right into the story and the characters’ lives. I definitely can’t wait for more in this series because I think I’m going to love them all :)
I highly recommend this novella to my shifter lovin’ friends…you know who you are ;)